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Re:Possible to find result of a case?
The court hearing lists and status notes do not currently record the result (guilty or not guilty etc) and the sentence/disposal is not necessarily recorded in the sentence database. It would be incorrect to assume 'if there is no sentencing, and the case no longer appears on hearings, that they were probably found not guilty'.
The court lists / status and hearings archive are used by solicitors and barristers and feedback from our users suggest that chambers and solicitors firms billing and costs departments find this particularly useful.
For members of the press and public who use the website, we will be introducing new features and are working toward a clearer picture of the justice system from offence, through court appearances, to result/disposal.
Total posts: 42
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admin 2013-03-19 20:42:33 Jump to
Re:Previous Convitions and Prison - Civil claim
Clearly I mean convictions... not convitions
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beckyelizabeth 2014-11-21 11:51:43 Jump to
Re:Prison Allocation
Hi AnnBarry
On sentencing it's not often clear which prison an offender will be sent to or where he/she will serve the sentence. Prisoners are moved to prisons depending on their age, sex, cat...
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admin 2012-04-05 18:33:47 Jump to
Re:prison Location details
Yes it is possible. You will need to request appropriate authorities for that. The below given link might come to great help of yours:
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andrewf 2011-08-19 11:15:39 Jump to
Re:Prison time
A determinate sentence of imprisonment for 6 years means this is the maximum period of time the offender could spend in prison. A determinate sentence of imprisonment for 6 years would normally mean the offender is eligible for parole in 3 years (having served 1/2) and if released will serve the remainder of the sentence term in the community on licence. While on licence an offender will be subject to supervision and the licence will include conditions. If an offender breaches their conditions, they may be recalled to prison.
If the sentence is an extended sentence they will be eligible for parole after serving two-thirds (2/3) and if the term is a minimum term (life sentence) the offender will serve the full 6-years before they are eligible for parole.
If the offender is a foreign national they may be removed from prison and the country up to a maximum of 270 days before the half-way point of sentence (Early Removal Scheme).
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CourtReporter 2020-10-13 17:24:44 Jump to