Servoca Resourcing Solutions are currently recruiting for the above position for an initial 5 month contract. The role would involve listening to DACS recordings from officers and complete CIMS crime reports. Applicants will need to complete a three week course. Duties to include: Evaluate all crime records submitted for inclusion within the Crime Information System to determine compliance with the Home office Counting Rules and National Crime recording Standards. Evaluate all crime records submitted to determine compliance with the system conventions and identify errors. Ensure all incidents of repeat victimisation are correctly recorded for inclusion within Divisional Tasking Meetings. Directly input and register crime into CIS. Identify errors upon initial submission, and by use of the Crime Information System, input errors as an information source to the investigators Supervisor. Provide advice to reporting officers and Supervisors in relation to the Home Office Counting Rules and National Crime Recording Standards. To undertake such other duties appropriate to the grade and character of work as may reasonably be required, including the specific duties of similar or lesser graded posts. For further information please contact Anna Jefferies on 0845 073 7800 or email Servoca is an equal opportunities employer. It is fully committed to ensuring that the only criterion that governs matters of recruitment is merit alone