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Re:Three young males - falsely imprisoned & assaulted my son by beating!........

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Re:Three young males - falsely imprisoned & assaulted my son by beating!........     (Posted on: 2013-01-23 07:48:23)

Sir i am sorry for your sons situation and will strive to help you arrive at a conclusion to the sometimes bewildering life in courts and criminal investigations.It is clear your son was assaulted,but the court have to prove within a reasonable doubt that he was,then they have to look at the victim ie your son ,would the court process be good for him ,would he make a good witness ,would he stand up to cross examination .Then they have to look at after a costly trial would the perpatrators be facing a prison sentence under current legislation or would they be illegible for a caution , in considering all the facts it appears the case probably warranted a police warning or caution and although that is not what you wish to hear as a parent ,the record of the assault will be kept on file for future reference and if they where to come across the assailiants again their punishment would be more severe.I hope this answers your question

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