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Re:can anyone help plz???can anyone help plz???

( User )
Re:can anyone help plz???     (Posted on: 2012-02-15 09:08:31)

From what I can tell The Law Pages only

has an array of key cases and then only successful prosecutions in the

sentencing database so the case in question may not be listed.

If you are a victim I

would recommend that the victim contact \"Victim Support\" 0845 30 30 900

http://www.victimsupport.org as I believe they are the people who liaise

this information to any victim or witness.

Or it may be worth contacting the court directly:

Good luck!

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( User )
can anyone help plz???     (Posted on: 2012-02-14 21:35:46)

I have sent so many messages to admin of this website but no reply.I wanted to know there is no information related to a case sentence that was handed to a defendant at wood green crown court on 17/01/2012. I\'m since looking for sentence information on this website but no luck .can anyone tell me where else can I get the outcome of that case?

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