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Re:Re:legal submissionRe:legal submissionRe:legal Submissions legal submission

Re:Re:legal submission     (Posted on: 2017-02-15 10:09:41)

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Re:legal submission     (Posted on: 2012-05-23 13:32:25)

in the middle of a case at crown court if it says legal submissions what does that mean
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Re:legal Submissions     (Posted on: 2011-05-19 09:44:49)

Legal Submissions in the court hearings listing mean that legal technicalities are under discussion either within the court (where the jury may have to be removed) or the chambers. The Prosecution and/or the Defence Counsel will be addressing the judge. Under some circumstances the public may be denied access to the court until the submissions are complete. Outside the court door a sign will make it clear that the court is not open to the public and may say \'in chambers\'.
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legal submission     (Posted on: 2011-05-18 11:26:33)

in court hearing online section if it says \'\'Legal Submission\'\'what does that mean ?
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