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  Information on the Details and Events recorded under the listed Isleworth Crown Court case  Crown Court List Glossary
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Any breach of reporting restrictions is punishable by sanctions up to and including imprisonment.

Isleworth 12 01XB1002423
ashwin pankhania
- No Information To Display -
Isleworth 8 T20230221
christian roberts
For Mention - Case Started - 14:55
For Mention - Hearing finished for CHRISTIAN ROBERTS - 15:06
For Mention - Case to be listed on 28-Mar-2025 - 15:52
Isleworth 11 T20237067
constantinos zavros
eleanar attard
koby alon haik
nicholas panayiotou
Further Case Management - Case Started - 14:43
Further Case Management - Case to be listed for Further Mention/PAD on 24-Sep-2025 - 14:58
Isleworth 4 T20240133
lajesque danvers
For Trial (No Witnesses) - Case Started - 14:39
For Trial (No Witnesses) - Jury Sworn In - 14:47
For Trial (No Witnesses) - Resume - 15:31
For Trial (No Witnesses) - Prosecution Opening - 15:46
For Trial (No Witnesses) - Case adjourned until 10:00 - 16:01
Isleworth 11 T20250031
joanne louise statham-walker
Plea and Trial Preparation - Hearing finished for JOANNE LOUISE STATHAM-WALKER - 14:10
Isleworth 10 T20250024
ines lorian antonio
For Sentence - Hearing finished for INES LORIAN ANTONIO - 13:01
For Sentence - Case Closed - 15:20
Isleworth 6 A20250023
For Appeal against Sentence - Case Started - 11:18
For Appeal against Sentence - Case adjourned until 14:15 - 13:11
For Appeal against Sentence - Resume - 14:16
For Appeal against Sentence - Hearing finished for ***** - 15:20
For Appeal against Sentence - Resume - 15:47
For Appeal against Sentence - Case adjourned until 10:00 - 16:02
Isleworth 12 T20240001
kirpal singh
ragbir singh
raja gurdeep singh
Trial (Part Heard) - Jury retire to consider verdict - 10:14
Isleworth 11 01BS1019625
max bushell
Plea and Trial Preparation - Case Started - 10:29
Isleworth 9 01XH1200624
afsaneh doroushi
For Sentence - Case Started - 10:10
Isleworth 8 01MP1077624
rajvinder kahlon
sunaver dhillon
ramandeep dhillon
gill mandeep
sukhvir singh dhillon
Trial (Part Heard) - Summing Up - 10:14
Isleworth 7 01MP1209224
leon john
- No Information To Display -
Isleworth 6 01MP1227624
illyas musa ahmed
- No Information To Display -
Isleworth 4 01ID1016524
christopher ryan mcsheffrey
For Trial - Case Started - 10:20
Isleworth 3 01TX1272824
mustafa al amin abdullah
For Trial (No Witnesses) - Resume - 10:29
Isleworth 2 U20241107
01bs1048324 - hope, toby - (cp)
Trial (Part Heard) - Prosecution Opening - 10:51
Isleworth 1 01TX1153823
shakil ahmad
- No Information To Display -
Isleworth 10 T20230378
pirzada sher
For Mention - Case Started - 10:01
For Mention - Case to be listed on 04-Apr-2025 - 10:09