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Remanded in custody - custody time limit

Remanded in custody

When a person is accused of committing a crime and charged with an criminal offence, they may be remanded in custody or released on bail until their trial begins. 'Remanded in custody' means that person is held in custody until their trial or until they are released on bail. The accused person is not allowed to leave prison or the custody of the police until their next court appearance when they can make an application for bail. The court may refuse bail for those who are considered a flight risk, a danger to the public or a risk of interfering with the course of justice.

See Adult Court Pronouncement Cards - refusing bail / remand in custody - (below):-

Custody Time Limits (CTLs)

Custody Time Limits restrict the time an unconvicted defendant, who is remanded in custody, can remain in custody before their trial starts. Custody time limits apply to each and every charge and not the offender. Each charge attracts its own Custody time limit. There is a maximum of 182 days/6-months and Judges have the power to extend time limits for remand beyond this.

Section 22 of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 (POA 1985), The Prosecution of Offences (Custody Time Limits) Regulations 1987 and the Criminal Procedure Rules regulate Custody Time Limits. The provisions establish the maximum periods of time which an accused can be kept in custody before trial.

The Custody Time Limit Regulations apply to:
• summary only offences and either way offences to be tried in the magistrates' court;
• to indictable offences sent to the Crown Court (indictable only and either way);
• to indictments following an order for a retrial

Different periods are applicable depending on whether the offence is summary, triable either-way or indictable only:-

  • • 56 days between the first appearance and trial for summary offence;
  • • 70 days between the first appearance and summary trial for an offence which is triable either-way (the period is reduced to 56 days if the decision for summary trial is taken within 56 days);
  • • 182 days if the court allocates a triable either-way offence case for Crown Court trial (less any time the defendant has spent in custody of the magistrates' court); or the defendant elects a Crown Court trial (less any time the defendant has spent in custody of the magistrates' court);
  • • 182 days between the dates an accused is sent for trial under s51 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 for indictable-only offences and the start of trial (less any time spent in custody if remanded by the magistrates' court).
  • • 112 days from the preferment of the Bill (delivery to the court) if the prosecution is granted a Bill of Indictment under s 2(2)(b) of the Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1933 by a High Court judge;
  • • 112 days following an order by the Court of Appeal for a retrial on a fresh indictment.

A Custody Time Limit ends at midnight on the day of the expiry date (Regulation 2(4)). When calculating the time limits and their expiry dates, the relevant date for beginning the calculation is the day after the date of first appearance at court. Where a CTL is due to expire on a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or a Bank Holiday, it will be treated as ending on the next earlier normal working day (Regulation 2(5)).

A Custody Time Limit calculator (CTL Calculator can be found on the CPS website.

Time spent remanded on bail with a qualifying curfew condition and an electronic monitoring condition to count towards time served (or detention and detention and training orders)

Time spent on bail with a qualifying curfew condition and an electronic monitoring condition count as time served (s.240A Criminal Justice Act 2003) if:-
• there is an electronic monitoring condition/requirements imposed under section 3(6ZAA) of the Bail Act 1976 for the purpose of securing the electronic monitoring of a person's compliance with a qualifying curfew condition;
• the person granted bail to remain at one or more specified places for a total of not less than 9 hours in any given day;

Under Sentencing Act 2020 the court must specify the credit period for the purposes of section 240A of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (time remanded on bail to count towards time served) in relation to the sentence.

The time spent on bail with a qualifying curfew condition must relate to the offence for which the sentence was imposed (or an associated offence)

Each day of curfew is equal to half a day of time served rounded up to the nearest whole number if necessary.

Under the 'slip rule' the days spent in custody can be corrected if there has been an error or omission within 56 days beginning with the date of the sentence hearing (s.155 Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 or 'as soon as reasonably practicable' in the magistrates' court - s.142 Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 and Criminal Procedure Rule 28.4(3)).

Credit for Time Spent on Remand in Custody

When a defendant facing trial is remanded in custody, the time spent on remand will automatically count towards the sentence imposed - s.240ZA Criminal Justice Act 2003. Where a life sentence is imposed, the judge must state the number of days spent on remand which will be deducted from the sentence (to reduce the minimum term). If the number of days on remand provided to the judge proves to be inaccurate then the prosecution or defence must notify the court so that the case can relisted to correct the calculation as soon as possible and in any event within 56 days.

CPS legal guidance - Custody Time Limits
Pronouncement cards provide guidance for magistrates and are used for reference at court to assist magistrates explain their decisions fully and clearly:
Adult Court Pronouncement Card - remand in custody pre-conviction either-way indictable offences
Adult Court Pronouncement Card - remand in custody post-conviction summary imprisonable offences