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Date Court Judge Defendant Gender Age Indictment / Offence Sentence Facts / Distinguishing Features Firm Lawyer
13-10-2006 City of Westminster Magistrates Court (CLOSED) District Judge Quentin Purdy TS Female 35 Years Harassment - A course of conduct causing harassment, alarm or distress / Stalking
Breach of the conditions of an injunction against harassment
Custodial suspended
Custodial suspended
Defendant was a former BBC sports reporter gulity of a "wilful and sustained" harassment campaign against Mr Simon Jordan, multimillionaire chairman of Crystal Palace football club. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-10-2006 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Mr Justice Goldring RP Male 19 Years Manslaughter
Custodial immediate
He was found guilty (following a third trail) of the manslaughter of his 10-year-old victim in Peckham, South East London, on 27 November 2000. He and his brother attacked 10-year-old schoolboy, Damil... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-10-2006 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Mr Justice Goldring DP Male 18 Years Manslaughter
Custodial immediate
He was found guilty (following a third trail) of the manslaughter of his 10-year-old victim in Peckham, South East London, on 27 November 2000. He and his brother attacked 10-year-old schoolboy, Damil... Not Recorded   Stephen Orlando Fletcher Pownall KC  
09-10-2006 St Albans Crown Court Judge Findlay Baker QC LD Male 31 Years Manslaughter due to diminished responsibility
Custodial immediate
“Anyone who unlawfully takes a dangerous mind-altering controlled drug and who finds that his mind is altered in unexpected and undesired ways must take responsibility for his subsequent actions.”... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
06-10-2006 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Mr Justice Calvert-Smith William Dunlop Male 43 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
Dunlop had confessed his crime because he believed that he could not be rearrested - double jeopardy. He is the first person to be convicted under the new law allowing an individual to be tried agai... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
04-10-2006 Croydon Crown Court Judge Nicholas J Ainley RZ Male 43 Years Facilitating or conspiracy to facilitate the illegal immigration of non-EU citizens into the UK
Custodial immediate
Judge Nicholas Ainley told the court: "I find it hard to conceive of a more serious case of this type of offence coming before the courts." Defence barrister: Nigel Lambert QC Prosecutor: Richar... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
29-09-2006 Middlesex Guildhall (Closed) Crown Court Not Recorded SB Male 47 Years Possession of indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs, tracing or other image of a child
Making and possessing indecent images of children
Attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming
Attempted distribution of indecent images of children [3 counts]
Causing a child to look at images of people engaged in sexual activity / Causing a child to watch a sexual act
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Indeterminate prison sentence to serve a mimimum of two and a half years for the following four charges. Buxton struck up an online relationship with a young girl on an Internet 'chat' site. In re... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
26-09-2006 Sheffield Crown Court Judge Alan Goldsack QC AB Male 20 Years Manslaughter
Driving whilst disqualified
Perverting the course of justice - Committing an act intending to pervert the course of justice
Custodial immediate
He had a prolific criminal record, was high on drink and drugs at the time of the crash and was driving at speeds reaching 90mph. There was a good chance his girlfriend would have survived if he had s... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
26-09-2006 Sheffield Crown Court Judge Alan Goldsack QC LB Female 48 Years Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
26-09-2006 Sheffield Crown Court Judge Alan Goldsack QC RS Male 39 Years Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
26-09-2006 Sheffield Crown Court Judge Alan Goldsack QC SS Male 19 Years Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
04-08-2006 Isleworth Crown Court Colgan PD Male NA Possession of indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs, tracing or other image of a child
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
28-06-2006 Liverpool Crown Court Judge Henry Globe QC EF Female 49 Years Sexual Activity with a Child [11 counts]
Custodial immediate
The judge said: "You allowed an unhealthy, unprofessional, unlawful sexual relationship to develop and pursued that relationship for your own pleasure in an open and brazen way… You performed sexual... Not Recorded   John Raymund McDermott KC  
12-06-2006 Cardiff Crown Court Judge John Griffith Williams QC CS Male 24 Years Dangerous driving
Sexual assault of a child under the age of 13 [3 counts]
Kidnap with intent to commit a sexual offence
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
"You have shown yourself to be a thoroughly devious man. You kidnapped this little girl for your own sexual gratification… You subjected her to an extremely painful ordeal. It beggars belief. This l... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
02-06-2006 Chippenham Magistrates Court Not Recorded CC Male 48 Years ABH Assault occasioning actual bodily harm [2 counts]
He was a mental health nurse who injured an elderly vulnerable patient in his care who was prone to violent outbursts. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
10-05-2006 St Albans Crown Court Findlay Baker QC TM Male 25 Years Murder
Common Assault / Assault by beating
Custodial immediate
The judge said: "You stabbed to death one whom you had loved... You have been found guilty of murder and the sentence for murder is fixed by law. It is life imprisonment… What you had in mind was to... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
01-05-2006 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge David Calvert-Smith KNR Male 29 Years Possession of property which could be used for the purposes of terrorism
Custodial immediate
He pleading guilty to attempting to possess property (guns, ammunition and silencers) intending it should be used for the purpose of terrorism in November 2005.

The judge said: "These neg...
Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
26-04-2006 Leeds Crown Court Mr Justice Tugendhat Stephen Ayre Male 44 Years Rape of a male [2 counts]
Sexual Assault
Child Abduction - Taking or detaining a child under sixteen, removing from lawful control, keeping out of the lawful control, of any person entitled to it
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
"You do not understand the gravity of what you have done… You are extremely dangerous and a particular risk to children and young people and other vulnerable people of both sexes… I have no doubt ... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
06-01-2006 Southwark Crown Court Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith JR Male 45 Years Supplying or offering to supply a controlled substance
Money Laundering
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A drugs and Money Laundering. "Their fingerprints are not found on the drug packaging, no telephone is shown to have made relevant calls, nothing incrim... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
06-01-2006 Southwark Crown Court Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith MT Male 32 Years Supplying a scheduled substance to another person
Money Laundering
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Arrests followed a joint four-year investigation between the National Crime Squad and the Colombian authorities. Scotland Yard ran a parallel inquiry into the money laundering side of the business. Th... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
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