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Date Court Judge Defendant Gender Age Indictment / Offence Sentence Facts / Distinguishing Features Firm Lawyer
20-04-2007 Chelmsford Crown Court Not Recorded Jack Harrison Male 19 Years Manslaughter
Attempted Robbery
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
He was cleared of murder but convicted of manslaughter and attempted robbery. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Plymouth Crown Court Judge Francis Gilbert CO Female 48 Years Child Cruelty to or wilfull assault, ill-treatment, neglect of children in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health
Custodial suspended
She was one of four women who teased and incited a 2yr old boy and 3yr old girl into fighting eachother. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Plymouth Crown Court Judge Francis Gilbert QC DO Female 19 Years Inciting the ill treatment of children
Custodial suspended
She was one of four women who teased and incited a 2yr old boy and 3yr old girl into fighting eachother. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Plymouth Crown Court Judge Francis Gilbert QC SO Female 29 Years Inciting the ill treatment of children
Custodial suspended
She was one of four women who teased and incited a 2yr old boy and 3yr old girl into fighting each other. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Plymouth Crown Court Judge Francis Gilbert QC ZC Female 29 Years Inciting the ill treatment of children
Custodial suspended
She was one of four women who teased and incited a 2yr old boy and 3yr old girl into fighting each other. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Birmingham Crown Court Judge Robert Orme Allan Nicol Male 48 Years Vandalism
Arson - reckless as to whether life was endangered
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
"Such a sustained campaign as yours appeared to be without precedent in the UK.. During that campaign, particularly in the area east of Birmingham, you carried out massive damage on 12 separate incide... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
19-04-2007 Bristol Crown Court Judge Simon Darwall-Smith ES Female 62 Years ABH Assault occasioning actual bodily harm
Intimidating a juror or witness or person assisting, or who has assisted, the investigation of an offence
Perverting the course of justice - Committing an act intending to pervert the course of justice
Unlawful (malicious) wounding
Child Cruelty to or wilfull assault, ill-treatment, neglect of children in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
"Frankly, it's difficult for anyone to understand how any human being could have even contemplated what you did, let alone with the regularity and premeditation you employed."

Foster mother...
Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
18-04-2007 Preston Crown Court Not Recorded MS Male 54 Years Manslaughter
Custodial suspended
Dr Michael Stevenson killed a patient by accidentally giving her six times the required dose of diamorphine. He had suffered from depression since childhood and had tried to bury his mental illness ... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
18-04-2007 Preston Crown Court Judge Richard McCombe DS Male 54 Years Manslaughter
Custodial suspended
He had worked an average of two double night shifts a day every day for the two weeks prior to Mrs Wright's death. After injecting her with diamorphine, he failed to monitor her reaction to the drug a... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
18-04-2007 Worcester Crown Court Judge David McEvoy QC AH Male 42 Years Sexual Activity with a Child
Custodial immediate
Classified as "mild" and he had no previous convictions for sexual matters, his last offence was drink-driving 9years ago. Prosecutor: Nicolas Cartwright Defending: Martin Steen, Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
16-04-2007 Liverpool Crown Court Not Recorded IT Male 24 Years Vandalism [26 counts]
Custodial suspended
"Your behaviour demonstrates a complete lack of respect for everything that hard-working individuals are trying to achieve... Your conduct was very arrogant and selfish, no doubt prompted by the buzz ... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
16-04-2007 Liverpool Crown Court Not Recorded CB Female 23 Years Vandalism [26 counts]
Custodial suspended
"Your behaviour demonstrates a complete lack of respect for everything that hard-working individuals are trying to achieve... Your conduct was very arrogant and selfish, no doubt prompted by the buzz ... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
16-04-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge David Paget MO Male 24 Years Manslaughter
Custodial immediate
He strangled his dad for less than 20 seconds but it caused a fatal heart attack. It was an "undoubtedly tragic case". He posed no danger to the public. Defending: Andrew Campbell-Tiech Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
13-04-2007 Lincoln Crown Court Not Recorded PT Male 41 Years Inflicting grievous bodily harm GBH
Custodial suspended
He broke his partner's jaw in a drink-fuelled attack. He had denied inflicting grievous bodily harm but was convicted. He was cleared of the more serious charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm with... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
13-04-2007 Southwark Crown Court Judge Christopher Hardy JH Female 47 Years Conspiracy to defraud
Custodial immediate
Joy Henry betrayed the trust put in her by the hospital trust for which she worked in a fraud that was Britains biggest ever NHS wages scam. Defence: Kerim Fuad Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
13-04-2007 Southwark Crown Court Judge Christopher Hardy PO Male 30 Years Money Laundering
Custodial immediate
Let his bank account be used to collect part of over £585,000 in salaries to "ghost" hospital employees in fraud. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
13-04-2007 Chester Crown Court Recorder Trevor Jones KS Male 45 Years Having possession of a controlled substance with intent to supply [2 counts]
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
12-04-2007 Lincoln Crown Court Judge Michael Heath LS Male 19 Years Burglary in a dwelling / residential burglary
Failure to answer bail / breach of bail
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
On December 13th 2006 he broke into the victims house and stole amoungst other items - a cardigan and toys that were Christmas presents for her Down's Syndrome son. "You knew the victim of this bur... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
12-04-2007 Southwark Crown Court Judge Christopher Hardy JO Male 44 Years Conspiracy to defraud
Custodial immediate
"There is no doubt you were right at the centre of this conspiracy… The only thing that differentiates you from Joy Henry is that she betrayed the trust put in her by the hospital trust for which sh... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-04-2007 Liverpool Crown Court Judge Elgan Edwards JS Female 49 Years Failing to notify a change of circumstances [4 counts]
Making a representation known to be false or produces or furnishes any false document or information to obtain benefits [4 counts]
Custodial suspended
Custodial suspended
Somers taught line dancing, while claiming she could walk a few metres without a stick. Kevin Slack, prosecuting, said Somers began claiming Disability Living Allowance. She also claimed income sup... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
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