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Date Court Judge Defendant Gender Age Indictment / Offence Sentence Facts / Distinguishing Features Firm Lawyer
30-04-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Sir Michael Astill Jawad Akbar Male 23 Years Conspiracy to cause explosions / Causing an explosion likely to endanger life or damage property
Custodial immediate
One of the five men involved in a planned bombing campaign in Britain. It was one of the biggest and most expensive trials in British criminal history. The trial lasted for 13 months and the Jury was ... Christian Khan Solicitors   Not Recorded  
30-04-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Sir Michael Astill Waheed Mahmood Male 35 Years Conspiracy to cause explosions / Causing an explosion likely to endanger life or damage property
Custodial immediate
One of the five men involved in a planned bombing campaign in Britain. It was one of the biggest and most expensive trials in British criminal history. The trial lasted for 13 months and the Jury was ... Christian Khan Solicitors   Michel Georges Abdel Massih KC  
30-04-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Sir Michael Astill Salahuddin Amin Male 32 Years Conspiracy to cause explosions / Causing an explosion likely to endanger life or damage property
Custodial immediate
One of the five men involved in a planned bombing campaign in Britain. It was one of the biggest and most expensive trials in British criminal history. The trial lasted for 13 months and the Jury was ... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
27-04-2007 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Crown Court Not Recorded Steven Bevens Male 39 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
He admitted luring the victim, a father-of-seven, to the spot, but denied firing the fatal shots. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
27-04-2007 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Crown Court Not Recorded DB Male 51 Years Assisting an offender
Custodial immediate
Another man was jailed for a minimum 26 years for his part in the murder (shooting) of a father-of-seven in hid car. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
27-04-2007 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Crown Court Not Recorded BOY X Male 15 Years Unlawfully and maliciously wounding or causing grievous bodily harm (GBH) with intent
Custodial immediate
He stabbed Auguste Jury, 79, with a 4in knife to her throat. 5days before the attack on Mrs Jury, a great-grandmother , the teenager had received a 6month referral order from Newcastle Youth Court... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
27-04-2007 Isleworth Crown Court Judge Sam Katkhuda NM Male 65 Years Communicating false information with intent / Bomb hoaxes
Custodial immediate
"A bomb hoax of this kind is an alarming public nuisance. One cannot underrate the anxiety and apprehension that this kind of behaviour engenders." Prosecuting solicitor: Douglas Adams
Martin Murray & Associates   Not Recorded  
27-04-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) His Honour Judge Gerald Gordon Adu Sarpong Male 18 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
"It is the carrying and using... often as here, for miniscule motives... such knifes that is causing death and devastation to families and that has got to be stopped". Prosecuter: Crispin Aylett Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
24-04-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Peter Beaumont JC Male 18 Years Manslaughter
Custodial immediate
He glassed and punched a man in a pub. Not Recorded   Susan Anne Rodham  
23-04-2007 Carlisle Crown Court Not Recorded GZ Male 25 Years Dangerous driving
Custodial suspended
Zuments was a lorry driver who fell asleep at the wheel. No one was hurt during the crash on the M6, although the motorway was closed for hours. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
23-04-2007 Carlisle Crown Court Not Recorded GZ Male 25 Years Dangerous driving
Custodial suspended
He was driving a lorry and fell asleep causing a crash. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
23-04-2007 Worcester Crown Court Judge David McEvoy QC CR Male 40 Years Managing a company directly or indirectly or taking part in the promotion, formation or management of, a company while bankrupt
Acting in contravention of a disqualification order
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
He had been made bankrupt six years previously when his firm collapsed owing £834,000 and this new firm had collapsed with total debts of £280,000. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
23-04-2007 Southwark Crown Court Judge Gregory Stone QC JJ Male 61 Years Downloading indecent images of children [7 counts]
Custodial immediate
"These were very serious offences and only a sentence of immediate custody is appropriate.... This sort of activity affects children. Our society has an enormous revulsion for those who injure childre... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Lincoln Crown Court Recorder Paul Mann QC JC Male 39 Years Possessing an article with intent to commit criminal damage / Destroy or Damage Property
Custodial immediate
In a 12-hour siege with police he had threatened to blow up his council flat and refused to come out. "You overreacted severely. That threat may have been idle as far as you were concerned, but it ... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Nick Parry JR Male 22 Years Causing an affray
It was "large-scale public disorder... You barricaded these people, you threw stones at them and it was a wholly terrifying experience for them... Thankfully, and mercifully for you, no one was injure... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Nick Parry CJ Male 20 Years Causing an affray
It was "large-scale public disorder... You barricaded these people, you threw stones at them and it was a wholly terrifying experience for them... Thankfully, and mercifully for you, no one was injure... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Nick Parry DJ Male 18 Years Causing an affray
It was "large-scale public disorder... You barricaded these people, you threw stones at them and it was a wholly terrifying experience for them... Thankfully, and mercifully for you, no one was injure... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Nick Parry RH Male 22 Years Causing an affray
It was "large-scale public disorder... You barricaded these people, you threw stones at them and it was a wholly terrifying experience for them... Thankfully, and mercifully for you, no one was injure... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Nick Parry MB Male NA Drunk / Disorderly Behaviour
It was "large-scale public disorder... You barricaded these people, you threw stones at them and it was a wholly terrifying experience for them... Thankfully, and mercifully for you, no one was injure... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
20-04-2007 Chelmsford Crown Court Not Recorded Steven Pascoe Male 24 Years Manslaughter
Attempted Robbery
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
He was cleared of murder but convicted of manslaughter and attempted robbery. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
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