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Date Court Judge Defendant Gender Age Indictment / Offence Sentence Facts / Distinguishing Features Firm Lawyer
09-05-2007 Wolverhampton Crown Court Judge Challinor DT Male 26 Years Offering to supply human material for transplantation
Custodial suspended
Offered to sell his kidney for £24,000 over the internet. Prosecutor: Helena Miller Defence: Jas Mann Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-05-2007 Exeter Crown Court Judge Graham Cottle Jason Jay Male 42 Years Making threats to kill
Assault with intent to rob
Theft - Dishonestly appropriating property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
"an extremely dangerous man who presented a serious risk to the public". Prosecutor: Sarah Munro QC Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-05-2007 Worcester Crown Court Judge Alistair McCreath CF Male 33 Years Sexual Activity with a Child
Custodial immediate
"I have a nagging worry that he has a latent sexual fantasy which he may carry out to the detriment of other children." Susan Cliff, prosecuting. Jonas Hankin, defending. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-05-2007 Stafford Crown Court Not Recorded Craig Dunn Male 33 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-05-2007 Inner London Crown Court Judge Roger Chapple FW Female 33 Years Supplying or offering to supply a controlled substance
Conspiracy to supply drugs
Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity
Attempting to procure a female for immoral purpose, or using drugs to obtain or facilitate sexual intercourse
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
She changed her plea minutes before her trial. Prosecuting: Joanna Korner QC Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-05-2007 Maidstone Crown Court Not Recorded CS Male 37 Years ABH Assault occasioning actual bodily harm [2 counts]
False imprisonment - intentional or reckless restraint of persons freedom of movement from a particular place without lawful excuse
Possessing an article with intent to commit criminal damage / Destroy or Damage Property [2 counts]
Rape [2 counts]
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-05-2007 Mold Crown Court Judge Michael Farmer QC DJ Male 22 Years Causing death by dangerous driving
Custodial immediate
"I know that my sentence will not bring your cousin back… I know that my sentence will not perhaps satisfy some who regard offences of this sort as among the most serious… But I am bound in two wa... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-05-2007 Swindon Crown Court Not Recorded SW Male 43 Years Possession of indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs, tracing or other image of a child [3 counts]
Making and possessing indecent images of children [16 counts]
Distributing indecent images of children [2 counts]
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
09-05-2007 Warrington Crown Court Judge Clarke KM Male 52 Years Indecent assault on a male
Indecent assault [15 counts]
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
"Your life is in ruins but you brought it upon yourself." Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
08-05-2007 Maidstone Crown Court Not Recorded Alan Bond Male 35 Years Rape [2 counts]
Custodial immediate
Indeterminate sentence for public protection, with a minimum term of five years. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
08-05-2007 Preston Crown Court Mr Justice Andrew Smith Ian McLeod Male 42 Years Conspiring or soliciting, etc. to commit murder
Custodial immediate
Hired a pair of hitmen. "Two men died, they were not innocents, but they were young, their lives were not expendable." Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
08-05-2007 Preston Crown Court Mr Justice Andrew Smith Constance Howarth Male 38 Years Conspiring or soliciting, etc. to commit murder
Custodial immediate
"Two men died, they were not innocents, but they were young, their lives were not expendable." He and another had hired a pair of hitmen to kill two men as they watched football in a pub. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
08-05-2007 Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court Judge Welchman GC Male 48 Years Rape
Indecent assault [10 counts]
Indecency with a child [6 counts]
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
08-05-2007 Swansea Crown Court Not Recorded JB Male 35 Years Causing death by dangerous driving
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
08-05-2007 Swansea Crown Court Not Recorded JB Male 35 Years Perverting the course of justice - Committing an act intending to pervert the course of justice
Causing death by dangerous driving
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
He was between two and three times over the legal driving limit at the time of the crash. Prosecutor: Ieuan Bennett Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
07-05-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Gareth Jones CG Male 18 Years Causing an affray
Unlawful (malicious) wounding
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
He was part of a gang who attacked an off duty police officer and his family. He admittedwounding and affray. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
07-05-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Gareth Jones KG Male 18 Years Causing an affray
He was part of a gang who attacked an off duty police officer and his family. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
07-05-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Gareth Jones JD Male 18 Years Causing an affray
He was part of a gang who attacked an off duty police officer and his family. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
07-05-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Gareth Jones NS Male 18 Years Causing an affray
He was part of a gang who attacked an off duty police officer and his family. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
07-05-2007 Mold Crown Court Mr Recorder Gareth Jones AJ Male 19 Years Displaying / Using threatening or abusive words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour causing harassment, alarm or distress
He was part of a gang who attacked an off duty police officer and his family. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
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