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Date Court Judge Defendant Gender Age Indictment / Offence Sentence Facts / Distinguishing Features Firm Lawyer
14-05-2007 Southwark Crown Court Judge Anthony Pitts WR Male 29 Years Money Laundering
Custodial immediate
"This was a large-scale conspiracy to defraud clearing banks… It was a sophisticated and well-organised fraud." Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
14-05-2007 Nottingham Crown Court Judge Jonathan Teare GA Male 42 Years Causing an affray
Custodial suspended
"Violence like this around football matches cannot be tolerated. It's a huge threat to the city centre." Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Wolverhampton Crown Court Judge Michael Challinor DT Male 26 Years Offering to supply human material for transplantation
Custodial suspended
Tuck was heavily in debt when he tried to sell one of his own kidneys over the internet for £24,000 on a chatroom used by kidney disease sufferers. He had faced up to three years in jail for cont... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Stephen Kramer BOY X Male 20 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
Mahir Osman, 18, was attacked by a gang of at least 30 people near Camden Tube station in north London. Prosecuting: Brian Finucane... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Stephen Kramer BOY X Male 20 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
A member of the gang of at least 30 people who attacked and killed Mahir Osman, 18, near Camden Tube station in north London. Prose... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Stephen Kramer BOY X Male 17 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
A member of the gang of at least 30 people who attacked and killed Mahir Osman, 18, near Camden Tube station in north London. Prose... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Stephen Kramer MX Male 25 Years Conspiracy to wound with intent
Violent Disorder
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
A member of the gang of at least 30 people who attacked and killed Mahir Osman, 18, near Camden Tube station in north London. Prose... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Stephen Kramer MX Male 18 Years Conspiracy to possess offensive weapons
Violent Disorder
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
A member of the gang of at least 30 people who attacked and killed Mahir Osman, 18, near Camden Tube station in north London. Prose... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Stephen Kramer BX Male 16 Years Conspiracy to wound with intent
Conspiracy to possess offensive weapons
Violent Disorder
Custodial immediate
A member of the gang of at least 30 people who attacked and killed Mahir Osman, 18, near Camden Tube station in north London. Prose... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Stephen Kramer BX Male 17 Years Conspiracy to wound with intent
Conspiracy to possess offensive weapons
Violent Disorder
Custodial immediate
A member of the gang of at least 30 people who attacked and killed Mahir Osman, 18, near Camden Tube station in north London. Prose... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Stephen Kramer MX Male 18 Years Conspiracy to wound with intent
Conspiracy to possess offensive weapons
Violent Disorder
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
A member of the gang of at least 30 people who attacked and killed Mahir Osman, 18, near Camden Tube station in north London. Prose... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Isleworth Crown Court Judge Crawford Lindsay QC AH Male 54 Years False imprisonment - intentional or reckless restraint of persons freedom of movement from a particular place without lawful excuse
Possession of a firearm or imitation firearm, with intent to cause fear of unlawful violence
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
"You were ruthless, intimidating and bullying when the money wasn't returned to you. There is no question this has to be visited with a custodial sentence." Prosecuting: David ... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Isleworth Crown Court Judge Crawford Lindsay QC KM Male 47 Years False imprisonment - intentional or reckless restraint of persons freedom of movement from a particular place without lawful excuse
Custodial immediate
Prosecuting: David Durose Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Isleworth Crown Court Judge Crawford Lindsay QC WK Male 28 Years False imprisonment - intentional or reckless restraint of persons freedom of movement from a particular place without lawful excuse
Kidnap - taking a person, by force or fraud, without their consent and without lawful excuse
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Prosecuting: David Durose Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Shrewsbury Crown Court Not Recorded DT Male 29 Years Dangerous driving
Taking motor vehicle or other conveyance without consent (TWOC)
Common Assault / Assault by beating
Criminal damage to a vehicle
Driving/Attempting To Drive Whilst Exceeding The Prescribed Limit (Drink Driving)
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
After crashing his car he attempted to drive away in a police patrol car. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Snaresbrook Crown Court Judge William Kennedy HC Male 17 Years Rape [2 counts]
Custodial immediate
He and an accomplice raped a 32yr old woman near Hackney Marshes and days later he raped another woman, aged 51. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Teesside Crown Court Judge George Moorhouse JH Male 49 Years Making and possessing indecent images of children [15 counts]
Sexual Activity with a Child
Causing a child to look at images of people engaged in sexual activity / Causing a child to watch a sexual act
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
"You are an evil and deviant man who was anxious to take advantage of this young girl… Your behaviour towards this girl will have an effect on her for many years to come and the fact that you were a... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
11-05-2007 Peterborough Magistrates Court June Carvel-King (bench chairwoman) SS Female 29 Years Driving/Attempting To Drive Whilst Exceeding The Prescribed Limit (Drink Driving)
Custodial immediate
"The alcohol reading you gave was double the legal drink-drive limit and you caused passengers to fear for their lives." Prosecuting: Clare Maginn. Defending: Andy Cave Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
10-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Not Recorded DK Male 50 Years Unlawful disclosure - Defence
Unlawful disclosure - International relations
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
His actions were called "reckless and irresponsible" ... a "gross breach of trust" by the judge Mr Justice Aikens. Prosecutor: David Perry QC. Defending: Rex Tedd QC. Solicitor: Stuart Jeff... Not Recorded   Rex Hilary Tedd KC  
10-05-2007 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Mr Justice Aikens LO Male NA Unlawful disclosure - Defence
Custodial immediate
He was a researcher working for anti-war MP Mr Clarke. he memo recorded Oval Office talks between Mr Bush and Mr Blair about Iraq in 2004. The jury were told: "The information you heard in camera, inc... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
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