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Date Court Judge Defendant Gender Age Indictment / Offence Sentence Facts / Distinguishing Features Firm Lawyer
19-02-2009 Liverpool Crown Court Mr Justice King Paul R Hollands Male 23 Years Supplying a scheduled substance to another person
Taking motor vehicle or other conveyance without consent (TWOC)
Conspiracy to murder
Transferring firearms. Unregistered selling, manufacture, transfers, repairs of firearms
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
He helped mastermind the murder by contacting the gunmen who are serving life for the murder of Michael Wright. The judge said: "It was a deliberate, ruthless and cowardly execution… You both knew... Silversmiths LLP   Not Recorded  
19-02-2009 Lincoln Crown Court Judge Micheal Heath MC Male NA Having possession of a controlled substance with intent to supply [4 counts]
Custodial immediate
The total street value of the drugs was £211 for the heroin and £487 for the crack-cocaine.

Cant was told by the judge that there could be no alternative to prison for dealing in Class A ...
Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
19-02-2009 Gloucester Crown Court Recorder Lewellyn Sellick JD Male 32 Years Unlawful (malicious) wounding
Possession of an article with a blade or a sharp point in a public place / possessing a bladed article
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Davis attacked the landlord of a pub from which he had been barred. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
19-02-2009 Lewes Crown Court Judge Anthony Scott-Gall SR Male NA Attempted Murder
Custodial immediate
Reid-Wentworth was detained indefinitely after a random attack on a woman in a supermarket when he stabbed Lucy Yates 20 times. Paranoid schizophrenic Reid-Wentworth had been released from a mental he... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
19-02-2009 Lewes Crown Court Judge Charles Kemp BB Female 55 Years Keeping a brothel for prostitution [2 counts]
Custodial suspended
Bondon ran two brothels. There was no suggestion that any of the girls were underage, or that they were forced to work. Not Recorded   Steven Talbot Hadley  
19-02-2009 Durham Crown Court Patrick Palmer WR Male 52 Years Breach of a Restraining Order
Causing an affray
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Roche was at a house in breach of a restraining order where his brother and mother lived. When Roche heard his mother and brother arguing, he stepped in and a fight ensued.

The judge said: ...
Not Recorded   Jane Waugh  
19-02-2009 Gloucester Crown Court William Gillan WG Male 38 Years ABH Assault occasioning actual bodily harm
Custodial immediate
Gillan attacked a cyclist, Carl Everall, who he believed was spying on himself and his wife. Mr Everll had three teeth knocked out in the attack.

The judge said: "I sentence you on the basi...
Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
19-02-2009 Derby Crown Court Judge David Pugsley AH Male 24 Years Having possession of a controlled substance
Sexual Activity with a Child
Child Abduction - Taking or detaining a child under sixteen, removing from lawful control, keeping out of the lawful control, of any person entitled to it
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
The judge said: "If you come back for any sex offence you will probably be at risk from being locked up for a very long time...I appreciate this is a case where there is not a big age gap, but she was... Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
18-02-2009 Bristol Crown Court Judge David Ticehurst LD Male 26 Years Sexual Activity with a Child
Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity
Custodial immediate
Custodial immediate
The judge said: : "You were convicted on clear evidence and the aggravating feature is that your victim was very young...The child was forced to give evidence at a very young age.Its abundantly clear ... Kaim Todner Solicitors Limited   Giles Benedict Morrison  
18-02-2009 Maidstone Crown Court Judge Andrew Patience QC Philip J Bell Male 23 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
Bell sexually assaulted and strangled 17-year-old Terry Edmonds.

The judge said: "You are an evil man who seems to have no conscience. Her hopes and dreams will never be fulfilled because of...
Vyman Solicitors Limited   Not Recorded  
18-02-2009 Bournemouth Crown Court Judge Meston QC TB Male 22 Years Inflicting grievous bodily harm GBH
Custodial immediate
He attacked his victim on a night out, leaving him in a coma, from which he is now recovered. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
18-02-2009 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Timothy Pontius YD Male 16 Years Manslaughter
Custodial immediate
The incident arose out of a playfight that turned sour.

The judge said: "You genuinely regret what you did and, no doubt, you wish earnestly that you could turn back the clock... I accept t...
Not Recorded   Stephen Orlando Fletcher Pownall KC  
18-02-2009 Liverpool Crown Court Judge Henry Globe QC TC Male 22 Years Manslaughter
Custodial immediate
There was evidence that Canning had taken part in an attack with others and although the court acknowledged that he may not have touched the victim, Sion Hardy, he was responsible for the death as par... Harding Evans LLP   Patrick John Harrington KC  
18-02-2009 Derby Crown Court Anthony Lowe RR Female NA Child Cruelty to or wilfull assault, ill-treatment, neglect of children in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health
The defendant left her young son in the care of his heroin addicted father, in a cluttered and dirty home, for 2 days.

The judge said: He didn't even have his own bed. The condition of the ...
Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
18-02-2009 Bristol Crown Court Not Recorded NC Male 22 Years Conspiracy to commit burglary
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
18-02-2009 Bristol Crown Court Not Recorded LP Male 20 Years Conspiracy to commit burglary
Custodial immediate
Not Recorded Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
17-02-2009 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Worsley QC Anthony P Osborne Male 27 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
He was found guilty of murder.
A forth man represented by Ed...
Alexander Johnson   Not Recorded  
17-02-2009 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Worsley QC Mark W Osborne Male 26 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
He was found guilty of murder. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
17-02-2009 Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) Judge Worsley QC Wayne H Collins Male 26 Years Murder
Custodial immediate
Collins was hired by brothers Mark and Anthony Osborne to kill Mark Tredinnick over an alleged £250,000 debt..
A forth man represented by Hartnells Solicitors  
Not Recorded  
17-02-2009 Exeter Crown Court Judge Paul Darlow MK Male 38 Years Concealing, disguising, converting, transferring or removing the proceeds of criminal conduct [8 counts]
Custodial immediate
Kavanagh ran a gang of thieves who stole from across the southwest, and Kavanagh then sold the goods on on Ebay. Not Recorded   Not Recorded  
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