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Establishment : HMP Holloway
Address : Parkhurst Road
  : London
  : N7 0NU  map of location
  : England
Telephone : (020) 7979 4400
Fax : (020) 7979 4401
Capacity : 501
Description : HMP YOI Holloway takes all female adult and young offenders remanded or sentenced by the courts.
The regime includes both full-time and part-time education, Skills training workshops, British Industrial Cleaning Science BICS, gardens and painting. There is a fully integrated resettlement / induction strategy, which identifies individual needs and provides a structured approach for advice and guidance on such issues as housing, benefits, training and community volunteering programmes.
There are also offending behaviour programmes: FOR a change, SDP Short duration Programme, anger management, assertion training, and domestic violence. Other programmes include desk top publishing and individual needs based work with a variety of partnership agencies. Other special features are welfare to work, Holloway befrienders scheme, listeners' schemes, programme development and community projects.
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